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Дживс, вы – гений! / Thank you, Jeeves!

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Дживс, вы – гений! / Thank you, Jeeves!
Пелам Гренвилл Вудхаус

Эксклюзивное чтение на английском языке
Берти Вустер переезжает в коттедж своего друга Чаффи с целью оттачивания мастерства игры на банджо вдали от городской суеты и чужих ушей. Сам Чаффи, без памяти влюбленный в американку Полин Стокер, в то же время всеми силами пытается обустроить свое семейное будущее. Когда Берти самоотверженно пытается помочь другу, ситуация быстро выходит из-под контроля.

Текст произведения снабжен грамматическим комментарием и словарем, в который вошли ВСЕ слова, содержащиеся в тексте. Благодаря этому книга подойдет для любого уровня владения английским языком.

П. Г. Вудхаус / Pelham Grenville Wodehouse

Дживс, вы – гений! / Thank You, Jeeves!

© The Trustees of the P.G. Wodehouse Estate

© Матвеев С.А., адаптация текста, словарь, 2019

© ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2019


Jeeves Gives Notice

I was perturbed. I was sitting in my old flat, idly touching the strings of my banjolele[1 - banjolele – банджо], an instrument to which I had become greatly addicted.

“Jeeves,” I said, “do you know what?”

“No, sir.”

“Do you know whom I saw last night?”

“No, sir.”

“J. Washburn Stoker[2 - J. Washburn Stoker – Дж. Уошберн Стоукер] and his daughter, Pauline[3 - Pauline – Полина].”

“Indeed, sir?”

“They must be over here.”

“It would seem so, sir.”

“Awkward, eh?”

“I can conceive that after what occurred in New York it might be distressing for you to encounter Miss Stoker, sir.”

“Jeeves, do you mean that I ought to keep out of her way?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Avoid her?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Moreover, they were accompanied by Sir Roderick Glossop[4 - Roderick Glossop – Родерик Глоссоп].”

“Indeed, sir?”

“Yes. It was at the Savoy Grill[5 - Savoy Grill – «Савой Гриль» (название ресторана)]. And the fourth member of the party was Lord Chuffnell’s aunt, Myrtle[6 - Lord Chuffnell’s aunt, Myrtle – тётя лорда Чаффнела, Миртл]. What was she doing in that gang?”

“Possibly her ladyship is an acquaintance either of Mr Stoker, Miss Stoker, or Sir Roderick, sir.”

“Yes, that may be so. But it surprised me.”

“Did you enter into conversation with them, sir?”

“Who, me? No, Jeeves. I ran out of the room. If there is one man in the world I hope never to exchange speech with again, it is that Glossop.”

“I forgot to mention, sir, that Sir Roderick called to see you this morning[7 - called to see you this morning – приходил сегодня утром к вам с визитом].”


“Yes, sir.”

“He called to see me?”

“Yes, sir.”

“After what has passed between us?”

“Yes, sir. I informed him that you had not yet risen, and he said that he would return later.”

“He did, did he?” I laughed. “Well, when he does, set the dog on him[8 - set the dog on him – спустите на него собаку].”

“We have no dog, sir.”

“Then step down to the flat below and borrow Mrs Tinkler-Moulke’s Pomeranian[9 - Mrs Tinkler-Moulke’s Pomeranian – шпиц миссис Тинклер-Мульке]. I never heard of such a thing. Good Lord! Good heavens!”

And when I give you the whole story, I think you will agree with me that my heat was justified.

* * *

About three months before, noting a certain liveliness in my Aunt Agatha, I had decided to go to New York to give her time to blow over[10 - to blow over – успокоиться]. And in a week, at the Sherry-Netherland[11 - Sherry-Netherland – «Шерри-Незерленд» (название отеля на Манхеттене)], I made the acquaintance of Pauline Stoker. Her beauty maddened me like wine.

In New York, I have always found, everything is very fast. This, I believe, is due to something in the air. Two weeks later I proposed to Pauline. She accepted me. But something went wrong.

Sir Roderick Glossop, a nerve specialist, nothing more nor less than a high-priced doctor, he has been standing on my way for years. And it so happened that he was in New York when the announcement of my engagement appeared in the papers.

What brought him there? He was visiting J. Washburn Stoker’s second cousin[12 - second cousin – троюродный брат], George. This George had been a patient of Sir Roderick’s for some years, and it was George’s practice to come to New York every to take a look at him. He arrived on the present occasion just in time to read over the morning coffee and egg the news that Bertram Wooster[13 - Bertram Wooster – Бертрам Вустер] and Pauline Stoker were planning to marry. And, I think, he began to ring up the father of the bride-to-be.

Well, what he told J. Washburn about me I cannot, of course, say: but, I imagine, he informed him that I had once been engaged to his daughter, Honoria[14 - Honoria – Гонория], and that he had broken off the match because he had decided that I was an idiot. He would have told, no doubt, about the incident of the cats and the fish in my bedroom: possibly, also, on the episode of the stolen hat with a description of the unfortunate affair of the punctured hot-water bottle at Lady Wickham’s[15 - Wickham – Уикем].

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