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Inconveniently Wed!

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“It’s nice to meet you, Molly.”

He shook the young woman’s hand. No shock of electricity accompanied the contact. Jonas almost wished it had. With her tidy appearance, she was far more his type. They took their seats as a busboy arrived to remove the cocktail glasses left by the previous occupants.

“So, how are you ladies enjoying your stay at the Bellagio?” he asked.

“Actually, we’re guests at McKendrick’s,” Molly corrected.

“How did you know we were tourists?” Serena asked.

“Just a hunch.” Though he was oddly tempted to give her earring a flick, he signaled for a server instead.

“I’m guessing you’re here for a convention.” Serena didn’t keep her hands to herself. She reached for his tie and gave it a little tug, before allowing the length of silk to spill through her fingers. “Accountant?”



“No.” He smiled up at the young woman who’d come to take their order. “I’d like a bourbon neat, please.”

“A vodka martini. Make it dirty,” Serena added.

Jonas had to bite back a groan.

“Just ice water for me,” Molly said.

“Are you sure?” he asked. “Remember, I’m buying.”

“Thanks, but I feel a headache coming on.” She massaged one temple.

“Vegas can do that,” he commiserated. “You have to pace yourself.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Serena wanted to know. “You’ve loosened your tie, Adonis, but I’m betting you never really let loose.”

“Ah, ah, ah. Appearances, remember?” God, he was enjoying himself.

“What was the last crazy thing you did?”

“The last crazy thing?”

“Yeah.” She tilted her head again and the earrings danced.

He reached over and flicked the ends of one.

Serena laughed outright. “Is that the best you can do?”

Jonas had thought it pretty major. He wasn’t big on spontaneity. He usually thought things through, carefully weighing the risks and benefits, before acting or making a decision. Doing so served him well in his profession. In addition to running for mayor, he was a contract lawyer. As such, he paid close attention to the fine print—and to the effect it could have on one’s life or livelihood.

“I’m waiting, Adonis.” Her smile was smug.

His gaze lingered on her lips. They looked soft and sweet and way too inviting. Crazy? What he was thinking of doing right now certainly qualified. He waited for sanity to return. It didn’t, and instead of stepping back from the ledge he jumped off it.

“How about this?” he asked as he cupped the back of Serena’s neck and pulled her toward him.

The kiss was brief and, as public displays of affection went, hardly over the top. Yet it proved to be as big a turn-on as foreplay. Even the zap of electricity he’d experienced at their handshake hadn’t prepared him for this wicked snap of desire. Afterward, he wasn’t sure which of them was more shocked. They gaped at each other as Molly studied her nails.

“Speechless?” Jonas prodded as he awaited Serena’s comeback.

He expected whatever she said to be flippant, perhaps even rude. He’d certainly earned a cutting remark or two with his forward behavior. Though in his defense she hadn’t resisted him. Not in the least. He couldn’t believe he’d kissed her—or that he wanted to do it again. Her lips had lost most of their red gloss but none of their appeal.

When Serena finally spoke, she floored him with honesty.

“I’m a big enough person to admit when I’m wrong. And, man, was I wrong.” A grin accompanied the admission.

Wrong wasn’t the word for it, Serena mused inwardly as her hormones continued to pop and fizz like the bubbles in champagne. She hadn’t seen this reaction coming even if she had found the man attractive from the get-go.

That in itself was surprising. In his charcoal suit, snowy white shirt and muted print tie, he was one hundred and eighty degrees from the artsy, anti-establishment sort who usually caught her notice. She chalked up his appeal to his handsome face, even though she’d never figured herself for being so superficial. Adonis, she’d called him.

Her gaze trailed over his broad shoulders. No doubt about it, the man worked out. She pictured him shirtless and sweaty, muscles flexing and straining as he finished up a set of curls with hand weights.

Mmm. The sound vibrated in her throat. It took Molly kicking her shin under the table for Serena to realize she was openly ogling him.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I think I’m going to head back to our hotel,” her friend said. She rubbed her temple as she rose to her feet. “My headache has gotten worse.”

“Oh.” Serena did her best to hide her disappointment as she started to rise too. “Well, Jonas, it’s been…”

“Interesting?” he supplied.

Serena blew out a breath. “That’s an understatement.”

Molly divided her gaze between the two of them. “You should stay, Serena. I mean, if you want to.”

“No. I’ll go back.” The words sounded half-hearted.

Their drinks arrived then. The waitress set the bourbon in front of Jonas and eyed the two women. “Who gets the dirty martini?”

Molly pointed to Serena. “Sit and have your drink.”

“But…” Serena glanced at Jonas. No doubt about it, she wanted to stay. Still, she asked, “Are you sure, Moll?”


After Molly had left, Serena and Jonas eyed one another in silence as they sipped their drinks. With her friend seated next to her Serena’s hormones had been somewhat held in check. Now they threatened to stage a riot.

“So, where are you from?” Small talk seemed the safest bet.

“Vegas, born and raised. You?”

Growing up, Serena had lived all over the world, thanks to her father’s naval appointments. Southern California had been the final stop, and despite her flighty nature she’d been eager to put down roots. She and Jayne had that in common, since Jayne’s father was also career military.
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