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Английский язык. Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ. «Грамматика и лексика»

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3. Our teacher always explains the rules clear/clearly.

4. He was driving dangerous/dangerously.

5. Come on, Dave! Why are you so slow/slowly?

6. Jane is studying hard/hardly for her exam.

7. ‘Where is Tom?’ ‘He was here but he left sudden/suddenly.’

8. Her ideas are very useful/usefully.

9. He can understand people easy/easily.

10. Olga speaks English perfect/perfectly.

11. These jeans are very expensive/expensively.

12. Yesterday I came home very late/lately.

13. He always does his homework good/well.

14. We visit our relatives regular/regularly.

15. She always dresses nice/nicely.

Test 12. Adjective or adverb? Choose the correct word.

1. The boys played (quiet/quietly).

2. It was snowing (heavy/heavily) the day before yesterday.

3. He gave it a (careful/carefully) look.

4. He speaks (perfect/perfectly) English.

5. Have you seen your friend (recent/recently)?

6. She’s a (slow/slowly) runner.

7. She draws (good/well).

8. They bought a (nice/nicely) car.

9. She likes sitting (near/nearly) the fire.

10. She left too (late/lately) to catch the bus.

11. Have you seen Ann (late/lately)?

12. He tries very (hard/hardly) to make his family happy.

13. She (hard/hardly) plays the piano.

14. Computers are (wide/widely) used in schools nowadays.

15. I think she’s a (pretty/prettily) good singer.

Test 13. Adjective or adverb? Choose the correct word.

1. Use this chair if you want to sit comfortable/comfortably.

2. It’s not easy/easily to play football.

3. These flowers smell so strange/strangely.

4. He talked so polite/politely and danced so beautiful/ beautifully.

5. The apples taste sweet/sweetly. Help yourself!

6. I always feel happy/happily when the sun is shining.

7. Let’s discuss this idea serious/seriously.

8. ‘How are you?’ ‘I am very good/well, thank you.’

9. His English is perfect/perfectly. He always speaks correct/correctly.

10. You look upset/upsetly. What’s the matter?

11. The driver was driving too fast/fastly.

12. ‘I feel like going to a disco tonight.’ ‘That sounds great/greatly! Let’s go.’

13. It rained very heavy/heavily in London last night.

14. Quiet/Quietly he opened the door.

15. Those oranges look nice/nicely. Can I have one?

Test 14. Complete each sentence using a word from the list.

1. Mary sang _______ at the concert last night. She is a very _______ singer.

2. Our holiday was too _______. The time passed very _______.

3. What _______ flowers! They smell _______ very too!

4. He asked me to ring back but I _______ forgot about it.

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