Andy Cope

Произведения автора 4

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Год написания книги 2019
The latest and greatest insights on happiness from around the world The Little Book of Being Brilliant is a ‘greatest hits’ compilation of the best and the latest information from the science of...
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Год написания книги 2020
‘ZEST’ equates to zing, enthusiasm, energy, gusto, eagerness, zeal and fervour. It also connotes a tang, a sharpness. It’s the opposite of bland. And Zest: How to Squeeze the Max out of Life is...
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Год написания книги 2018
A pep talk in your pocket This short, small, highly illustrated book will fill you to the brim with happiness, positivity, wellbeing and, most importantly, success! Andy Cope and Andy Whittaker are...
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Год написания книги 2018
From the authors of the bestselling The Art of Being Brilliant We all have good days and bad days. Some days we’re on form, others we can’t really be bothered and feel a little lack lustre. No one...